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May 17·edited May 17Liked by Christopher Wolf

Great substack! We are on the same wave length and it is always nice to not feel so isolated. My son knows way more than me and is familiar with what you are talking about. So while I know and use, he is far better in his understanding than what I am. No point pretending otherwise.

But I have one anecdotal testimony. A family member returned after 2 1/2 years, having had 4 of the shots. Prior to returning I gave him borax and asked him to take a good pinch everyday. Amazingly he did and it was a hefty pinch. He liked the flavour of it on his food. He also took bentonite clay as well. About 6 months after he started we had a look at his blood and were pleasantly surprised - how about completely shocked - to see that it was basically in a good state. It is said that borax kills some parasites and breaks down metals. It took time, as you say. We don't have any before photos but we thought it was well worth telling others to see if it helped them. I posted this on Dr Ana's site and she erased it, not only from her substack; it also disappeared from the Wayback Machine. Wow! My son had talked to Dr Nixon and he too appeared to show no interest.

Boron had been used in the family for many decades. Great cure for impetigo in under 24 hours and sores that just won't heal. Also there is it's history of being used for arthritis, being banned for pharmaceutical use in Australia and generally derided. So we eat a pinch of borax [no stabilizers or fillers] everyday that we remember to and the blood of every family member is in tip top shape. We now also drink "Green Drink" (as per Dr Young & alkaline approach) and follow the measures you mention when we feel the need . As my son will say we need to keep up to ameliorate the effect of working in highly vaccinated environments. Some good basic info on borax - perhaps you already know.


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